Friday, February 18, 2011

Movie Star

The vultures are circling
Perched to strike
Again and again.
Are you looking for a sign
Of frailty?  Of weakness?
In my skin.

They eat me whole
While smiling.
Lights flashing
Taking my soul
It tastes good,
              doesn't it?

I adjust the mask
It has to be tight
If I must survive
This business at all.

Breathing in, I see
Their mouths
Of jagged white, 
I breathe deeply

And smile, and smile, and smile

My best role is yet to come
Such lies everywhere-- no?
But fools abound.
I begin...

"I'd like to thank the Academy..."

© K.D. Schultz

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I do

(Photo Source:  Dan Becker of Democrats)

the lady stands
in white, gauzy pleasure;
wrapping the world
in purity.
only for a time.

©  K.D. Schultz

Salvation in White

(Photo Source:  fahrmboy)

soft lush in twilight
caressing the marred earth
ruination by human touch
wiped clean 

each footprint disappears
so easily from memory

©  K.D. Schultz