Monday, December 26, 2011

Death Dreams

The mind-
a dark maze
    of wispy fog
    of locked doors
the spirit portal
to another place.

A shimmer of you
appears at my side,
    in the blink
of my mind's eye-
    is it you
    or a cruel trick?

I feel your hand,
soft like a whisper.
Neck hairs prickle
and bite,
electric currents
singe the soul.

I relish your
time drains
from the sands
as I gaze in the
ever blue
of your eyes.

Once more
we have
a tear drop's
worth of time.

I guess God
     turned his back
          for awhile.

©  K.D. Schultz

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

White Shirt

It hangs on the chair
Like a beacon in the night
My body lost in the ocean
Of you
I wake from restless sleep
To make sure it is still there

Calloused hands reach for me
Taking me in
I never felt such relief

© K.D. Schultz

Friday, December 16, 2011


Four of you conspire
to keep me this place
of deep scars and demons.
Marking endless souls
that come through
the gates of shame.
pocked pustule gorged holes—
inflicted by those who paid their dues
to the white robed gods of the mind,
walking pill dispensers, how I love
when you lavish little pink dolls on me.
I utter like a parrot,
so I won’t go to the second floor,
where the monster resides—
sizzling grey matter, burning embers
of those that exist no more.

© K.D. Schultz


I’m still broken inside
My sweet smile lies
So do my eyes.
But you don’t see
The deep darkness in me.
My fractured heart
The jagged shards
Will cut you deep
A thousand apologies
Fall from my lips
You devour
Every night
They don’t mean anything.
His freedom is now your consequence.

© K.D. Schultz

No More

The raindrops pool at my feet
as street lights dance
in bubbling reflections
on the paved street,
where you and I once lived.
Long ago, when you and I
were still “we.”
My tears mingle with the rain,
where one ends, the other begins
as memories flood my mind
of when we smiled all the time.
The lighted window on number 24
stares me down like an evil eye
daring me to try
to reclaim what’s mine.
I let you go so easily,
my white dress marred
by your tears—
They are still there
A reminder of my sin
of wanting freedom more
than you.
You appear to me and smile.
A soft caress on my skin—a whisper
so soft, your hands beckon me on.
I follow you down the road
to the iron gates, the monster mouth
that hold you in—
For eternity.

© K.D. Schultz
Sometimes even when you press me to the hollow of your chest, I still feel alone.


White orbs
in my silk-lined box.

Deft fingers carefully strung
your exquisite noose.
I am a bird that will never fly
my wings clipped
and chained by your gold.

My cage of marble and stone
impenetrable, like your heart.

I’ll never

Away from your hands
around my little neck,
sometimes I wish for death.

I bide my time
nod and smile
to your clever lies.

One day
it will be time
to take what was mine.

One day
I yank with all my might,
such exquisite delight

as they scatter to the floor.

A hundred little taps–
I’ve never enjoyed
a sound more.

And I breathe again
once more.

© K.D. Schultz


blue morning light
illuminates the barren landscape
of our hearts
intertwined skeleton limbs
towers of emptiness

© K.D. Schultz


I can’t seem to be happy.  I am always looking to the future, hoping that it will be better.  Then I find myself looking to the past with regret because I never saw or appreciated all the wonderful things that were in my life at the time.  And then there is the present, where I only see the bad.  Maybe there are things now that I’m just not seeing, that in a few years, I will look back with regret.

Sand and Water

I retreat to the house
that sits on the edge
of sand and water, where
you and I once laughed
and swam with the whales.

I still see you—a flash
a peripheral malady—
a welcomed sickness,
desperate to be close
to the one who cupped my sorrows,
letting it drip into the unending tides
of love sublime.

The soft wind of your breath
caresses my neck,
enveloping my body,
leaving it tingling
with cosmic electricity.

You wait for me in the waters of time,
so patient for those first steps
where I sink deeper
into earth’s quicksand.

Our bodies move as one
suspended in eternal delight.
                         I’ve never felt anything so warm.

© K.D. Schultz